Spent the last hour listening to Pretty Girls Make Graves & You Will Know Us By The Trail Of The Dead while reading about Ed Gein, the human-utilizing taxidermist of belt-of-nipples fame.

posted by jeremy on December 22, 2005

Interesting morbidity seems the theme...

In the kitchen theres a cupcake still stuck to the window from the rager the other night & also a thousand or so beercans still floating about. I just heard that Deb's in Venice & my friend in New York is officially cancer-free. Yay! A late sun is shining & last night was spent drinking with humans I've never really met before. It was fine. It was fun. I shot a lot of pool & won, mostly... Right up until I didn't. But hey, thats the way of things or so they say.

So the transit strike in New York is forcing people to walk way farther than they might have otherwise. I can only deduce that ridiculous labor struggles are good for the cardiovascular. Strike-on brave souls, I wish I had such benefits. I really do.

Someone asked me last night who my favorite artist was & the question, well, it shorted out my brain almost immediately. After about 40 minutes of considering this query I managed to nail it down to a single photographer... Robert Capa. Maybe the most daring & brilliant war photographer to have ever lived. When art meets blood, bullets, etc. that is something that ultimately marks my respect. The motherfucker volunteered to go ashore on D-Day. A tough son-of-a-bitch you were, Capa.

Anyway, today winds down as I babble nothing important. I'm getting a laptop in a few days which is like the most exciting thing in the world.... Except for 5 or 6 other things that I find really exciting right at the moment. Well, anyway, I just opened a Hamms & here's to things... May they carry on.