To hell with Mohammad & to hell with all of it all....

posted by jeremy on February 11, 2006

In fact, fuck roughly, let's say 30-60% of his fucking irritatingly ignorant followers. I'm done. Straight-up done. I'm a generally patient human being but seriously, when a cartoon gets published showing said 'prophet' as wearing a turban shaped as a bomb & then, well, then the whole fucking useless nation of Islam freaks the fuck out, burns embassies & calls for the death of those who published/drew the cartoon, fuck, lo, calls for the destruction of goddam Denmark... The irony, folks, the utter horrendous irony of it all is just too great. Now, Iran is holding a contest to see who can write the 'most humorous' cartoon concerning the Holocaust. Jesus fucking christ, I'm beginning to hate Muslims even more than I hate Christians...

& that is saying a fuck of a lot.

Worth it? I thinks not.