hello, dear annica....

posted by jeremy on October 22, 2006

just off work again, 6AM, pondering what to tell you....

what do i tell you?

theres so much to say it clogs it all... seems pointless to spill anything.

its good, to hear that yr applying yr brain to things besides happy hour. i hate school but am generally proud of people who develop the rigor to carry thru. i just worry about the part that comes after... where most just end up back in the slog but now with massive debt hanging like a eager noose, frustration snorting like a pissed-off moose, pointless rote study stinking like syphillc russian hooker cooz...

ok, shoot me dead. im exhausted and drunk, its all funny to me.

i hope you can dig something you want out of yr studies, yr future degree, girl, i really do. ive been drinking less, except when i work. to deal with drunks, one must usually be drunk. otherwise, murderous rage often becomes a theme cutting the air, driving one to look for things sharp or heavy and blunt. at least when it comes to fuckwit tourist from geneva or kansas or canada or, god help us all, france. the french are the worst without fail, every friggin time.

i love my locals and regulars tho. they have become like family, like a hipper bloodier version of cheers.....

where to begin?

last night, 3 people were shot in front of my girlfriends bar. she was bartending, first on the scene. one man had two holes in him, the other 3. another guy had thrown his girl to the ground, threw himself on top of her, a ricochet grazed his skull. candy grabbed bar towels and used them as compresses to stop the bleeding of the man with two bullets in his arm, one in his guts. he kept telling her he didnt know the guy who shot him. he passed out just before the medics arrived. she thought the other guy was dead from the way he looked. afterwards, when the street was blocked off, the cops would not let her leave til an hour later when she begged them....

i was two blocks away at the time, hanging out at the bar i wrk at, talking to my coworker hayley. the cops called us as soon as it went down. called every bar in the area, trying to cut possibility of a hostage situation by a scared gunman. we locked the doors and then i went looking for candy. they wouldnt let me thru the police line. i went back to the rbar. eventually candace showed up. so angry and sad. drank a half bottle of jameson in less than 15 minutes. turned crazy drunk, spent the rest of the night weeping, puking, apologizing for being weak as she laid on my bathroom floor, me trying to talk her thru everything. we had heard that both men had died, which we now know to be untrue. they might yet both survive. that was last night. another night in new orleans. just how it is here.

and i get this email from you, telling me these things.

& i still dont know what to tell you....

good night & love,
