andy and i were talking

posted by jeremy on October 27, 2007

about various atrocities in the congo and all over and wishing that our administration wasnt just an idiot oil-suck of a multi-corp manipulated beast but an actual entity for good.

i told him how, after 9/11, i thought our counter-terrorism ops would basically carry out a number of surgical strikes on various targets across the planet.

basically, be like 'sorry iran, we are going to invade yr airspace for 22 minutes. blow some fuckers all to hell and be out. what you gonna do?' or send in some ninja-ass delta force black-ops team to cut the throats of of a bunch a suicide bombers training in palestine before the fact.... covertly kill the killers. terrorize the terrorist.

that would have been brilliant. use all our intel to locate anyone who had anything to do with 9/11 and kill them without mercy.....

terrifying, mysterious, cost-effective and probably effective as all hell.

it worked for israel....

instead, we invaded iraq.... which was probably the goal to begin with since our govt probably allowed 9/11 to happen. i dont think they planned it but i think they let it happen... they knew a major attack would be a free pass for whatever...

why not?

still people talk about the govt blowing the towers themselves.... that shit is too complex.... timing all the visual parameters of a jet-as-missile attack and a base demolition while knowing... knowing how many digital recording devices exist? no fucking way. every engineer with five free minutes is going to check this shit out. they talk about jet fuel not being hot enough to melt the steel girders.... well the impact took out half of the supports, the fuel-fed fires only had soften the rest to drop the upper floors.... and ive watched the videos in slow motion.... you drop 20 stories on the rest of the building and its going to buckle and buckle easily.... people talked talked about seeing explosions at the base when the building started to go.... im guessing that was debris being shot straight down the elevator shafts and ejecting at terminal compression points.... shotgun ejecta exploding outwards thru the 1st, 2nd, 3rd floor elevator doors at probably just sub-sonic speeds.... you drop a quarter or a third of the worlds largest skyscrapers on the rest of said-scrapers and you dont need conspiracy theory to bring them down. the sheer mass hitting an already fractured miasma of weakened framework: itll go.

but my guess is our govt simply let it happen. just didnt move on the intel.

orders from above to ignore sleeper cell chatter, with witnesses after the fact too often mysteriously dead or, err, suicided. the reports have been sealed, the 9/11 commission hushed as a matter of national security, on and on.

too stupid to plan it, bright enough to allow it.

occams razor, baby.

and then afghanistan, then iraq.

debacles that have... shit... check utterly destroyed the lives of tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians, bred understandable hate beyond understanding in the remainder, forced the killing of thousands of our own, maimed so many many more, (advanced body armor has its price, legs blown off, arms, shrapnel slipping up underneath helmets, causing neural damage yet the vitals remain protected and the poor fuck lives on.... shredded. the vets have so far remained invisible but they will be cycling home soon and the cost, psycho and physical, will come clear.) we've emptied our coffers on this war, depleted our army, ruined all possible goodwill. put all our eggs in one basket, over oil and rebuilding contracts.... and even now our scandals concerning hired security agencies, fucking mercenary corps, have started to come into the open. saddam killed so few compared to our tally.... and at least his barbarity was stable. we've now destabilized all... all of that. iran can be openly threatening cause we have expended ourselves... and iran was the threat all along.

the selfish evil idiot greed of whatever entity is behind our administration....

this is what gets me: the world is so unstable, so primed to fall into an even greater anarchy, just as some of us are dragging ourselves out of savagery and darkness.... the west as a culture is somewhat lazy, violent, idiot, corrupt, the history of us is atrocity after atrocity.... but what culture dosent have that history... people spoke of the native americans and their living in balance with nature, with each other.... they slaughtered each other on a regular basis, had slavery, racism, tortures as bad as the inquisition ever enacted.... the aztecs suffered ecological collapse without ever even inventing the wheel.... they were stupid greedy enough to trade manhattan island for some trinkets.... they traded their lives away for the goods that the white man brought.... hippy folk say that they had a wisdom... and i know that some of them did... trying to encompass the horror they felt watching their lives, the beauty of their home be torn aside by these strange white monsters, their villages burned, people dead by strange plagues, the game shot for but skins and bison for humps and hides... jesus, the sheer effect of gunpowder and booze.... the intro of non-native species... horse to smallpox.... the scope of it ripples down thru the present....

but it wasnt that they were a wiser race.... more beautiful maybe.... but not wiser. they imm embraced our toys even as our toys began to kill them. when the wars began... the atrocity flowed freely from both sides. the shawnee would gut white women and tie their intestines to trees and leave them there to die that death. they burned people alive long before we arrived.

in the end, they were a people technologically 500-1000 years behind the euros or the asiatics.... the abundance of the americas along with the low numbers of the initial and only migrants whose move across the northern route happened anywhere from 10,000 to 40,000 bc.... well, population problems were slow to arise and as they say, necessity is the mother of invention. people only got tech advanced in the later mayan and aztec regions were pop density increased.... then... you know.... collapse.

im sorry, babe. im really not trying to sound like some preach-ass professor... im just thinking in writing and yr my victim..... im trying to put down what is seems a troublesome truth to me......

it just seems we cant go back only further......

all these activist i knew or know say, we need to go back to a simpler form of living......and im like what? hunting and gathering? campfires? oral history? superstition? death from a simple dirty cut turning septic? yet at this point with a couple centuries worth of guns and ammos laying around even if manufacturing centers collapse? really? back to the past with 7 billion people?

we are too committed to civilization, too far along to let this happen, backwards isnt the way.... the fact that we hold onto the past and imbed it into our application of technology, that is whats killing us, killing all of this.

and yet a return to barbarism is so near.... when i look at the west.... as fucked and decadent as we are.... the society itself is becoming fluid enough to accept atheism, homosexuality, enviro-ethos, free-will for all, free-speech, hell, babe, it accepts that women are human and not simply chattel..... you, as a woman, can vote, own property, show yr face, drive a car... we can drink if we choose, worship another god without fear of death, shave our beards if we choose.... western culture is even beginning to develop a concept of rights for non-homo-sapiens, rights imbedded in law.... i think of spain working on laws to declare chimps and gorillas as person.... that is a huge step.

rome was a creation that allowed social stability and prosperity to flourish.... academics and trade and general human civility advanced a thousand-fold under its laws, within its nation-states.... and it collapsed after folowing the exact same path that the US follows today.... i mean i read the rise and fall fo the roman empire.... (you want a boring read? you got it.) mirror-image.... and what followed the collapse was a thousand-plus years of horror and ignorance....

africa is chaos. so is india to a lesser degree. there is a term, a reality called demographic fatigue... when things get too bad within a population the problems themselves will thin the herd.... islamic nations are backwards but more organized.... and their devotion to their one way frightens me.... as the rise of the catholic church at the end of the dark ages wouldve frightened me.... the dark ages that followed the collapse of rome....

i have always been a little anarchist flag-burner.... and i dont believe in nation-states.... but certain ideals.... western ideals, maybe.... i look at the other options and im terrified for certain populations...... terrified they will be consumed by certain memes..... christian here.... islam there.....

done. exhausted. more later...

write me sometime....


ps: i miss you, busy bee.