I'm sitting at the worst coffeeshop in New Orleans

posted by jeremy on May 01, 2005

as a creepy old woman stares at me with unblinking eyes & two white trash junkies argue over a game of chess. My iced coffee sucks ass & the computer has somehow erased the blog I previously wrote. So here we go, round two. The things I suffer for fucking Net access in this town...

So Rachel's finally departing, bound for Boston then Olympia & I'm pleased to inform you I'm bound for brand new (goddam ancient) digs. I've found a third floor French Quarter apartment right next to Pirates Alley & thus the St. Louis (Oldest in the US) Cathedral. Apparently William Faulkner wrote a couple of his first books in this sprawling musty decaying 200 year old monstrosity of bricken habitation. To access the apt one must make their way thru the most amazing clusterfuck of tunnels, spiral staircases & creaking catwalks. I'm telling you, it's the holy grail of creepy & weirdly inspiring places to live.

Of course the landlords don't know I'm moving in yet... but I goddam am.

In other news, Kung Fu Hustle is one of the best action movies ever made. Run, don't walk, to the nearest theater & partake of its greatness. Do it. Now. Go. Git.

I mean it. Why are you still here?