Heat & humid beauty, southern decadence, classical music, the rich sound of sweaty possibility...

posted by jeremy on May 17, 2005

A bright blond rockabilly girl with infinite tattoos is telling me that she loves, loves, loves Peaches... "Beautiful dirty slut, I love, I mean love, love her style..." & I agree with her. "Fuck the Pain Away is a great fucking song. Fucking just fantastic." This stranger, she now leans in, her arms & legs touching mine, she asks me, with deep sincerity, "What do you think, should I be wearing this bra, look close, should I? I don't think we'll be needing it, do you?"

& with a great effort, I manage to leave the bar alone, just so barely.

But so it goes... this city is a slump, a pentacle of gritty easy decadence. Every five minutes I stand amazed. It's ruining me, I think. I ponder the pedestrian atmosphere of Portland & question, exactly, what I want out of this meaningless if ridiculous life o mine.

I recall meeting this one now-friend for the first time & I remember her honesty when I put the question of life goals to her...

"Me?" she replied "I like books, booze... & I like, I just like to fuck."

"Yeah," I told her, "I know just what you mean."