Rita pounces & stomps & the Gulf states again get a taste of the future.

posted by jeremy on September 25, 2005

Call it global warming, climate shifting, call it whatever, a trend, a fad, all I know is that 2 plus 18 equals 20, uh, usually & all this craziness seems to be becoming the norm. In other news, Google Earth rocks & The Fantastic Four is quite possibly one of the worst chunks of thrice-eaten thrice-regurgitated dogshit I have ever seen. It makes Daredevil look like a Cannes winner.

What about this town, huh? Last night I went to a party stocked with a staggering number of hipster kids & when I say kids, I means kids... Like, 17-year old kids. I sat around with a few friends & soon enough we all started to feel old, then older, then ancient-ish.

Though I've just recently been accused of being a grumpy old man, I'm not really used to feeling old. But last night... Last night I felt like a middle-aged man with a mustache.

I got the fuck out when a gaggle of 15-year olds showed up.