Listening to 'Little Dustin'....

posted by jeremy on June 04, 2006

again as the madness of Saturday night twist & turns, grows deep & convoluted & sad & hopeless & beautiful outside my balcony windows, the sounds of human idiocy & love, hoot! Holla! Lets play for keeps! Lets make this a one night thing! Lets fuck! Fight! Live! Fuck it, let's die! It all bleeds thru the 200 yr old brick walls of my apartment... and I lie, curled on hardwood, typing in one syllable after another, listening to Luke break hearts, singing this song about life here in New Orleans & I lose myself in my care for this place... I almost even pray, official atheist, closet agnostic that I am...

God, or whatever the fuck you are, whatever randomness & cruelty & kindness you are composed of, please, give us one year, spare us this one tiny season, don't smash us, don't pound this ridiculous city, don't, just don't, please, please, please, just a little bit longer, a moment, a reprieve, just let us get the levees up, just don't send a cyclone up the mouth of this old river, because, baby, this town matters, this doomed fucking town, oh yes, it does, it does... & I know here is... well, it's ultimately fucked, destined for drowning, swallowed by those rising tides, those melted glaciers, those scorched icecaps... but that just means every single fucking second counts, every minute wrapped in the weird stupid gorgeous mystery of this ancient place, goddam it, you Great Beast, we care, we love it here, we love it.... Here.

Just give us a little longer, OK?

If just to say our goodbyes properly.