hello rachel...
posted by jeremy on October 22, 2006
so last night someone tried to rob a couple as they walked down rampart thru the mar-tri... ghetto fuck-wit stuck a gun in the girls back, her boy spun, pulled his gun (which he bought just because of the recent spike of robberies) and shot the fuck dead as dogshit. no charges pressed. justifiable homocide.
what a weird set of words, so complex yet ultimately sound: just murder.
and i say bravo! comprehendo! good riddens! motherfuckers would think twice before jacking us all if more and more walked armed and were wise and had the togetherness to respond in only the right situs yet respond lethally, with deadly force. it would be enough to give these assholes pause....
another guy i know got mugged tonight, a cook from coops. he too was walking down rampart &! he! beat! the fuck! out! of his attacker! bravo numba fuckin two.
how are you? wanna move to nyc in a year or two?
ok. love, jd.