Three years, three zines, three redesigns

posted by nate on March 19, 2005

Hard to believe it's been three years since Jeremy and I teamed up to craft our short-lived yet well-received essay-zine. (Obviously in a half-conscious nostalgic reverie, Iím filling my sentences with hyphenated phrases.. a trademark of our writing.)

shrike v.1 shrike v.2Shrike has slowly morphed into a predominantly web-only (see?) affair, partially from our drunken haze which made xcopying, collation and distribution nearly impossible; partially from our dislike of wasting paper. Then of course there is our godlike powers of procrastination coupled with poverty and the fact that Jeremy moved to the land of corruption and murder (New Orleans) and Nate moved to the land of rotting pilings and fishbreath (Astoria, Oregon).

Those in the webdesign know may recognize heavy monochromatic influence form Khoi's latest version of I've always wanted a newspaper aesthetic on the site and many of his ideas inspired this design.

I'm still working out bugs (when am I not?) so if you see anything wonky, either email me at or leave a comment here. It helps me out a LOT since I'm always working on a shitload of sites.